Showing posts with label bank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bank. Show all posts

01 April

Significant mortgage class action edges closer against Australian banks

After more than seven years work, a high-minded class action on behalf of bank customers with mortgage loans from Australian banks is closer to the stage of finally recruiting class members.

The website “comes online in June inviting those people that have entered into mortgage loans since 31 December 2015 to register for class membership,” Roger Brown, formerly a broker at Lloyd's of London, and the entrepreneur behind this matter told Banking Day yesterday.

“The expectation is that a minimum 300,000 registrations will be completed,” Brown said.

The law firm to conduct the case will be finalised by June, with the defendants being the Commonwealth of Australia in addition to nominated banks Brown did not identify yesterday, with key targets easily guessed.

Full story: BankingDay

25 March

750,000 CBA customers receiving class action letters

Slater and Gordon says more than 750,000 people will today receive a Federal Court notice advising they may be eligible to be part of a consumer credit insurance class action against Commonwealth Bank.

The action alleges that many people were sold “junk” credit card and personal loan insurance that was of little or no value and that many customers would not have been eligible to make successful claims.

The firm has also commenced similar class actions against ANZ and Westpac, while a suit against NAB in 2019 secured a $49.5 million settlement.

Slater and Gordon says Commonwealth Bank had said it would provide refunds as part of a remediation program, but only a small portion of customers had been compensated, despite sale of the products ending in March 2018.

“This move to return only a small portion of its customers premiums seems to have been a tokenistic effort to protect the bank’s brand, rather than a genuine attempt to make good its past wrongdoing,” Practice Group Leader Andrew Paull said.

Consumers may be eligible to join the action if they were issued with a consumer credit insurance policy since January 1 2010, have paid a premium and have not been paid back in full.

More than two million people have now received court-ordered notices advising they may be eligible to participate in one of the four class actions, which is part of the Get Your Insurance Back campaign.

Full story: Click here

Bank of Queensland facing potential class action by shareholders over capital raising fiasco

Will the Bank of Queensland’s shareholder rip-off lead to a class action?

The effects of Bank of Queensland fleecing of thousands of investors can already be seen in the market. 

What next for aggrieved investor shareholders?

The Bank of Queensland (BoQ) capital raising fiasco for retail investors covered in Crikey last week has already had an impact on the market, with share registry giant Computershare yesterday unveiling an $835 million capital raising - which showed it had learned all of the key lessons.

First up, Computershare didn’t include any form of selective institutional placement in its capital raising, instead launching the 34th so-called PAITREO offer seen on the ASX — a pro-rata structure which treats all shareholders equally and is renounceable, meaning that non-participants are automatically compensated for their rights.

Just like with BoQ it was global investment banking giants Goldman Sachs and UBS teaming up on the Computershare deal, but this time they are giving retail investors 19 days to participate rather than the minimum 10 days.

However, Australia Post has become so unreliable that even 19 days might not be enough.

BoQ has around 110,000 shareholders and more than 30,000 are based in WA, courtesy of the bank’s 2007 takeover of the Perth-based Home Building Society. Crikey has received correspondence from one Perth-based BoQ shareholder who got the 118-page offer document on March 24, 14 days after it closed on March 10.

How 70,000 small Bank of Queensland shareholders were fleeced of $118mRead More

BoQ has privately informed the ASX that it has so far received 450 complaints from shareholders about receiving the offer document after the offer closed. But this only captures the shareholders who have gone to the trouble of complaining. The total number affected will be in the tens of thousands.

Neither ASX, ASIC or BoQ appears to be planning any corrective action to compensate these shareholders for their losses, leaving the only option as a class action.

I wrote to ASX chair Rick Holliday-Smith complaining about the BoQ offer and his compliance boss Kevin Lewis came back saying that ASX “sympathises with those BoQ shareholders in remoter areas who missed out on BoQ’s retail offer due to Australia Post’s less frequent delivery schedules”, but isn’t proposing any changes to the listing rules.

The two obvious changes would be to extend the minimum 10-day offer period and ban non-renounceable offers so that all non-participants are automatically compensated for their surrendered rights.

In the case of BoQ it was an estimated 70,000 retail shareholders who didn’t participate, leaving a $274 million shortfall on the $682 million retail offer, which was picked up by institutional underwriters who are around $50 million in front on their investment.

However, the true retail shortfall was actually slightly more than 40% because BoQ has conceded that $30 million of the $408 million shares accepted in the retail offer were actually from the earlier $323 million accelerated institutional entitlement offer.

As Crikey reported, BoQ told the ASX that 98% of available shares were taken up by eligible institutions, but this wasn’t strictly true.

Yes, around 2% of the institutional offer or $7 million in shares were explicitly rejected but around $30 million worth of institutional entitlements lapsed because the investment bankers weren’t able to make contact with the relevant institutions before the February 22 deadline.

Rather than being shafted without compensation like what happened to the 70,000 retail shareholders, the owners of these institutional entitlements were allowed to double-dip by coming in through the subsequent retail offer which opened on March 1.

Think about that for a moment. When tens of thousands of retail investors were sent an offer document that arrived after the offer had closed, which is surely the equivalent of not being contactable in time, neither the regulators or the company itself is proposing to do anything about it. Yet when UBS and Goldman Sachs can’t track down an institutional investor, they get to masquerade as a retail investor and are given an extra two weeks to participate.

I had a one-hour video call on Tuesday with BoQ chairman Patrick Allaway, where I let him know in very clear terms what a dreadful situation this was. Given the legal constraints preventing BoQ from reopening its now closed retail offer, I pitched him the idea that the bank should launch a compensatory discounted share purchase plan exclusively for retail investors.

Sure, BoQ doesn’t need to raise big licks of additional capital to fund its $1.35 billion purchase of ME Bank, but having diluted its retail shareholders down from owning 63% of the bank to just 57% without paying them any compensation, it is the least they could do.

Meanwhile, discussions continue with class action lawyers. It seems like a pretty open and shut case as this email from a bank shareholder explains:

Hi Stephen,

I am an aggrieved BoQ shareholder with over 14,000 BoQ shares. My losses would be in order of $10-20k as a result of not being able to participate in the entitlement offer (received docs day after close).

I am interested in joining any class action or supporting you in any way I can, as it pertains to seeking investor advocacy through ASIC/ASX.



The issue is running pretty hot in Queensland after The Courier-Mail last week ran a page one pointer to this full length business column spelling out the farcical situation with Australia Post.

The AFR’s Rear Window column also gave it a solid burst, pointing out that even Merrill Lynch investment banker David Goffage, who invented the PAITREO offer, received his BoQ offer documents in Brisbane two days after the offer had closed.

Full story: Crikey

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22 March

ANZ Bank share price under scrutiny after settling US class action

The Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ASX: ANZ) share price could be on the move this morning.

This follows the release of an update on a class action brought against it in the United States during 2016.

What was the class action?

Back in 2016, ANZ confirmed that it was among 17 banks and two international brokerage houses that were named in a class action complaint launched in the United States by two US-based investment funds and an individual derivatives trader.

This related to allegations of the rigging of the bank bill swap rate (BBSW) and bank trading in the United States. 

The BBSW is an independent reference rate that is used for the pricing securities.

In 2017, ANZ acknowledged to ASIC that, during the course of trading on the BBSW market, a small number of traders attempted to engage in unconscionable conduct on ten dates between September 2010 and February 2012. 

The bank also admitted that it did not have in place adequate policies and systems to monitor trading and communications of its BBSW traders.

What was today’s update?

This morning ANZ announced that it has reached an agreement to settle the class action brought against it in the United States during 2016.

The settlement is without admission of liability. It also remains subject to negotiation and the execution of complete settlement terms, as well as court approval.

The good news for shareholders, and also the ANZ share price, is that while the terms of the settlement remain confidential, the financial impact of the settlement will not be material.

The bank has not commented on the settlement today. 

However, back in 2017, the company’s Chief Risk Officer at the time, Nigel Williams, commented on the issue.

He said: “We know our customers and the community expect better from us and we apologise for both the attempted unconscionable conduct and our inability to prevent or detect the behaviour.”

ANZ share price performance

The ANZ share price is up over 22% since the start of the year. 

Investors will no doubt be hoping this strong run can continue now this issue is behind the bank.

Full Story: Motley Fool