Showing posts with label lloyds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lloyds. Show all posts

01 April

Significant mortgage class action edges closer against Australian banks

After more than seven years work, a high-minded class action on behalf of bank customers with mortgage loans from Australian banks is closer to the stage of finally recruiting class members.

The website “comes online in June inviting those people that have entered into mortgage loans since 31 December 2015 to register for class membership,” Roger Brown, formerly a broker at Lloyd's of London, and the entrepreneur behind this matter told Banking Day yesterday.

“The expectation is that a minimum 300,000 registrations will be completed,” Brown said.

The law firm to conduct the case will be finalised by June, with the defendants being the Commonwealth of Australia in addition to nominated banks Brown did not identify yesterday, with key targets easily guessed.

Full story: BankingDay